Thursday, March 15, 2018


     Hello again. So today in class each student was put into groups of four or five and we gave critiques and complements on each students project thus far. I really enjoyed this exercise because not only do we get to see other peoples project to get an idea of where we are suppose to be at right now, but we also get to hear other students opinions on how to better our film ideas.
     During this exercise I tried to give as much input as I could to help the other students. I liked the fact that we were in groups of four or five because a lot of the time, it helps to get more than one persons opinion. We also pretty much agreed on everything which is good because it prevents a lot of arguments.
     When I showed my blog consisting of my ideas and current work, I got a lot of help on what to pursue from this point forward. First, they said that instead of narrating the location and time period, I should have it written on the screen in big font to avoid confusion and wasting unnessary time. They also said that I should change the time period because not only would it be too difficult the find clothes, but we are filming in my neighborhood which consists of cars of current day. We would have to have old fashioned cars from the 1970s in order for the scene to come together and that is way too extreme.

     I was going to ask how to make my film different from "The Lovely Bones" considering the fact that they are too alike, but no one in my group had watched it which was a problem for me. I couldn't even ask them if the movie was going to be too similar to my project. I am going to continue discussing this problem with my partner to see what we can do but so far.

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